How our identity informs our behaviour.

How our identity informs our behaviour.

At the core of our individuality and the unique way that we interact with the world around us is what we call our “identity”. When it comes to the way that we behave in any given situation, our identity informs what’s important, acceptable and possible for us and,...
Great minds don’t think alike.

Great minds don’t think alike.

I saw an intriguing post by Penna on the subject of Neurodiversity Celebration Week that grabbed my attention for a couple of reasons. The first was that I’d recently met with someone who introduced themselves as Neurodiverse and, while I’d previously heard the word,...
When nothing happens when nothing happens.

When nothing happens when nothing happens.

I was having a conversation with one of my clients the other day when the question of consequences came up. The context of the conversation was familiar; a consistent pattern of behaviour within a team where outcomes had been set, apparently agreed to but not...
Being there.

Being there.

Not for the first time a few threads have recently woven themselves together to inspire me to write this post. The first involved a conversation with a client. When I asked how she was doing, her reply was; “not great I’m afraid”. She then went on to explain that she...
Wow, I didn’t know that!

Wow, I didn’t know that!

I don’t know about you but, every now and then, I come across something that stops me in my tracks – a real “wow” moment. I was introduced to the work of Hannah Critchlow, PhD and her book Joined-up thinking when I was listening to Start the Week on Uk media...